This game was designed to be a survival horror that takes place during the 19th century in the Phillippines. The game follows a young huntress named Reyna and her father Alonn in a castle to face the mythical manananggal. My role on the project was to to program a character controller in C#.
Survival Horror
First Person Shooter
Made with 5 major teams (scripting, level design, modeling, audio, animation)
15 Weeks
Creating and scripting the main avatar
Working with animators to implement animations for avatar
Work along side level designers in order to build tools for their levels
Work with VFX artist to implement VFX into the project
Work with other scripters to create a fun and convincing combat system
Use Unity built in tools such as Cinemachine to build fluid camera state machine
Build an input system using Unity's new input system
Provide assistance to other scripters with their tasks in the project
Movement and 3Cs
I worked closely with the design team to create an avatar that fit closely to the feel and type of gameplay we were looking for. With that I also provided my own input and feedback on what felt best, and what worked best with the type of game we were trying to put together.
Responsive Controls
Code Driven
Variety in movement speeds for dynamic gameplay
Fluid movement
State Machine
Supports variety of play styles
Simple controls
Smooth transitions
Working with the Technical Animator, I was able to put together a combat system that had reactive animations, ensuring that transitions between the different animations were smooth and responsive.
Followed closely the design, and discussed with level designers on the project in order to be able to create ingredients that could serve to the gameplay.